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So here's the answers to the quiz + a Special Offer

Download or watch my video as I present the answers
(aka tips for your website)! 

Plus I include a special offer because you deserve it!

You'll find the offer at the end of the video or the PDF.

See below to discover how Sharkie Marketing can help you with your existing website, or help you build a new one!

VIDEO; Quiz Results - click the Play button below

So you're ready to discuss your website options with me.

Schedule our free chat

Here's how I can help you with your website

Message me to discuss your specific needs and goals

Group Website Build

For that extra guidance and accountability join me in the next round of the '31 Day Website Build (or Improve)'.

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A little about me

I help coaches, consultants, practitioners and health professionals create an online presence that
attracts and converts your ideal clients

If we haven't met yet...
Hi! I'm Rebecca Sharkie

Based in Melbourne, Australia I help others get online quickly and easily through website design and Canva to create marketing assets. And more but, you know.

Prior to Sharkie Marketing I owned and ran my own wellness practice for eight years before changing direction and going back to school for my Accredited Professional Coach and joining a Marketing Mastermind both here and in the US. Sharkie Marketing has been running now for four years.

My vision is to empower as many entrepreneurs as I can with the confidence and breadth of knowledge to be able to build their own high converting website and understand the marketing fundamentals, or if outsourcing to a third party then at least be able to speak the right language and not be taken advantage of which is something that definitely goes on even in today's world and just shits me.

Image Rebecca Sharkie